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Passing Creation


Natural Talent

Human being has different kind of talents, some of them quite difficult to appreciate, to explain or to teach for the rest. In BASKETBALL the most decisive talents are Physical, Competitive and Intellectual (where we include Passing Creation).

Characteristics of

Passing Creators:

1st Having the talent to anticipate the game and read the defenses

2nd Ability to find the chosen player at the right time and place

3rd Knowing how to move and fool the defense properly

Players list with this talent is large, and even deeper if we dive into game's history

Milos Teodosic

Steve Nash

Magic Johnson

Jason Kidd

Theo Papaloukas

Chris Paul

Saras Jasikevicius

LeBron James

Larry Bird

Ricky Rubio


The more Developed is a player individually the wider skillset he has in order to fool the defense. Basics to practice until expertise:


Shooting well in any situation helps to have defenders constantly alert. Player’s range of possible solutions expands significantly.

Handling & Dribbling

·Advanced Handling

·Dribble in Traffic

·Passing Fakes from dribble

·Handling in P&R


·High Accuracy

·No Looking Passing

·Advanced Passes (e.g. Behind-the-back)

·Excellent Passing Off the Dribble


The player who Creates the Pass is the one who has to move the defense correctly, as the defense reacts according to the ball. That’s why it’s very important ball handler is able to read the defense, anticipate movements and move them to create advantages.


Attracting the defender towards the ball to separate him from the receiver

Is normally used when there are mismatches and we want to pass inside


Driving with dribble towards receiver’s defender so he must help

Is used with shooters on perimeter or with big guys in weak side action


Attracting and moving away the defender over the ball to create space for receiver

Is very common in fast break and P&R situations (when defense denies the screen)


Penetrating or making diagonal changes of direction to attract the defense over the ball and create spaces for receiver who normally is coming behind

Is usually seen in fast break situations to find the trailer or shooters


Acting and being Unpredictable with the ball is the secret ingredient that holds everything together. To fool the defense, you have to hide the pass until last moment to deliver the assistant.

Faking with the Pass

Makes defenders react, so we can read what they will do

Faking with the Dribble

Changing dribble’s pace we make defenders hesitate

The Eyes

Cheating with the eyes and no look passing is the best way of being unpredictable

Changes of Direction

Changing the path radically alters the defense

Slowing or Accelerating

Stop, start, slow down, accelerate, non-keeping a steady pace disturbs the defense


2x1 in the Paint

Two offensive players against a defender within the three seconds area, controlled by some specific rules

Offensive player 1 (Ball Handler):

·Starts on Free Throw Line

·Range of movements: he can move within the paint and its perimeter (the limit is stepping on the line)

·Shooting possibilities: he can shoot only while he’s stepping over painted area perimeter line, not inside it and not completely outside either

·Passing possibilities: he can pass to the other offensive player whenever


-After defender’s pass for starting, he CAN NOT pull a shot straight from Free Throw Line, he has to touch a side line of painted area before taking a shot

-When he runs out of dribble, he has to pass or shoot automatically, without any fakes

Offensive player 2 (Receiver):

·Starts within the painted area, wherever

·Range of movements: he CAN NOT leave the paint, never. Only moving inside with no restrictions

·Shooting possibilities: he has to shoot inside (or stepping over) the No-Charge Semi-Circle


-When he receives the ball, the ONLY thing he can do is shooting, no fakes of any kind


·Starts within the painted area, wherever

·Range of movements: he CAN NOT leave the paint, never. Only moving inside with no restrictions

*RESTRICTIONS: NONE, he can defend as he wants

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